Well Pressure Tanks & Replacements
Well Pressure Tanks

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Well Pressure Tanks
Pressure Goes Up & Down
Home owners and businesses often complain about wild pressure swings in their systems. Simply put, you can watch the pressure gauge bounce between it’s low to high setting over the course of 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Turning on a faucet or shower repeats the process over & over again.
If this describes your system, please give us a call and we’ll be glad to schedule a time to come troubleshoot your issue.
No Water / Low Pressure
If you experience a situation where you have “no water” or extremely “low pressure”, there a number of components we can troubleshoot on your system. The best case scenario is you’ve lost power or tripped a circuit breaker and once power is restored your well service will begin working again.
If power isn’t the issue, our team will begin troubleshooting you well pump, pressure tank, and pressure switch to identify your issue. We keep a number of service parts on-hand and have quick access to anything we might need to quickly resolve your issue.
Blown Diaphragm
If your pressure guage reads less than 10 psi, there’s a good chance you have a ruptured or blown diaphragm. Pressure tanks use a diaphragm or bladder to separate the air & water. As your tank fills with water, it compresses the air chamber.
In short, the diaphragm plays an important role and is designed to keep your well pump from running all of the time. As a homeowner, you want the pressure tank operating efficiently as this protects your pump from aging prematurely.
Well Pressure Switch Problems
The purpose of your pressure tank switch is simply to tell the well pump when to turn on & off. Your automobile has a similar switch called a “car thermostat” which regulates the flow of your engine coolant to control the engine’s temperature. If your car thermostat gets stuck in the “closed” position, your car will overheat quickly.
The pressure tank switch regulates when the well pump needs to supply more water for the load being used in your house. If the switch goes faulty, your pump will potentially work overtime or could prevent the well pump from coming on at all.
Emergency Well Services
(269) 751-2143
West Olive
Pressure Tank Q&A
Most frequent questions and answers
Yes and it’s important that your pressure tank is operating correctly. Well pumps are not designed to run continuously and rely on pressurized water storage to reduce the number of times the pump turns on & off. A pressure tank provides some resting time for your pump and your system needs it.
Typically, it’s a heavy duty rubber separator that helps control your water pressure. These diaphragms (or bladders in some cases) separate the air from the water inside the tank. As the pump fills the tank with water, the diaphragm get compressed creating the pressure you see coming out of the faucet or shower.
One complaint of well water systems historically has been water pressure when multiple showers, faucets, and irrigation systems are running. Simply put, the water pressure in your home could flucuate too much for some users.
Constant pressure systems have built-in controllers designed to turn your pump on earlier in the process and keep your pressure even regardless of how many showers, faucets, or sprinklers may be running. These units also start / stop the pump more gradually which lengthens the life of your pump.
The downfall is the controllers can add a significant amount to the overall installation cost and they require a “clean” power source. Rural customers may find the computerized control is too finicky for their power source and shuts down too often.
Well Pressure Tanks We Trust
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If you having well water pressure issues, please reach out to us at (269) 751-2143 or send us a quick email.